Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Completely Uneccessary Post

I don't really know why I'm feeling the need to right this, I am just annoyed about something and feel the need to vent. That something is the death of the abortionist George Tiller.

Now let's get a few things out of the way: I'm catholic and pro-life, but I also believe in the sanctify of life. That applies to EVERYONE, even abortionists.

I've heard alot from both sides, "christians" arguing that it's okay since he murders babies, pro-choice people arguing that this perfectly demonstrates pro-"life" hypocrisy, and other such silly statements. I'd specifically like to address christians who think this was a good thing, becuase I get really sick of having to answer for all the idiots out there.

Look. People. The ends do NOT justify the means. I know all about the principle of double effect and the need to defend human life, but unless he is actively killing a child when you shot him, it is morally WRONG. And Dr Tiller wasn't. He was in church when he was killed.

This is murder, plain and simple.

So let me make this clear: I do not CARE that he was an abortionist. I do not CARE about arguments about a greater good. I do not CARE that he was responsible for the death of countless children.

Unless you are actively defending a life, it is still morally unacceptable.

And that goes double for Pastor Drake who prayed for Obama's death on Fox News.

I really wish "christians" would stop making idiots of themselves.


  1. My thinking on the matter is, roughly, that the murder of George Tiller can be compared the murder of Jeffery Dahmer (killed in prison by a fellow inmate). Both were, so to speak, murders of murderers.

    I can see two main differences. The first is that Dahmer, when incarcerated, was no longer an active danger--he wasn't violent in prison, and in fact declared a conversion to Christianity and was baptized.

    On the other hand, the murder of Dahmer didn't have the added weight of scandal--in Tiller's case, the scandal inflicted on the astoundingly peaceful pro-life movement and its Heavenly agenda.

    I think its important not to mince words: George Tiller was a murderer. In no way does his monstrous work deserve the eulogizing it has received. It's also important, though, to declare as you have that justice should have been left to God.

  2. Agreed. It never ceases to amaze me how at times Christians/[insert other faith here] often tend to "miss the point" of their faith. The Crusades come to mind as a slight missing of the point of "don't kill other people".
