Friday, June 19, 2009

A New Challenger!!

A few days ago I was helping my grandmother clean out the computer room. There was a guitar sitting in the corner-- and it looked in fairly good condition, to my untrained eyes. I wasn't aware that either of my grandparents played any musical instruments whatsoever, so I asked her who it belonged to. To my surprise, it turned out that someone had given to the guitar to them and they had no use for it. She gave it to me.

A New Challenger Approaches!!

I've decided to try to learn how to play the guitar. We'll see what happens.

Is this the beginnings of a dedicated master musician? Or a way to pass the idle hours by doing something more productive than watching South Park? YOU Decide!!

Your Author


  1. Dude, now you can be _that guy_!

    Good luck!

  2. What style of Guitar? How many strings?

  3. duuuuude we should toootally jam sometime dude
