Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Never use that word again

Researchers discover that Disney films promote. . .hetero-normativity.

I have words to describe this, but I would never use them in the presence of women, children, men, martians, or small dogs.

One commentator describes it as "cargo-cult science": "It has all the trappings of scientific work -- a university, professors, journal publication, words like "research" and "analysis." And yet there's nothing "scientific" about it at all."

Holy herds of stinking cattle! I've heard critiques of Disney films from various angles, but this steals the seven-layer wedding cake and eats it too. Could it be that even the beauties of healthy romance are becoming cultural taboo? Of course not, but the mere fact that anyone outside of a madhouse could take this navel-mining seriously makes a man sick down all 28 feet of his intestinal tract. Uglier than Cthulu. Less informative than Mr. Withers. Dumber than your average freshwater clam.

And if I ever hear a man, woman, or ape speak the word "hetero-normative". . .any jury in the land would rise for a standing ovation upon hearing of my wrath*.

(NOTE: Actually, I'm a man of peace. But God help me, I'd be tempted to unleash some holy whupping.)

In other news, Dead Like Me is hilarious. Like Juno meets Bleach.

Peace out, all!

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